greetings readers!
i'm back again to bring you photos of my newest creations. i know i promised a post weeks and weeks ago, but sadly life had gotten in the way of art and therefore prevented this. fear not, i'm here and can show you two more fair folk.
this first one is a dryad. you can see her wings are sort of leaf like, and her skin has the look of treebark.
this next one i call "moose childe" all started when i bought the yarn that would be his/her (i'm not sure- are you? both male and female moose are antlered....) hair. my husband saw it and immediately said that whoever i made with it needed moose antlers. i decided to take on that challenge, and this little one is the result.
thanks for looking!
I love, love, love both of these so very much! That dryad is simply adorable (such wonderful wings). And the moose childe! Those antlers! And that tail! It seems I'm growing a particular affinity for fair folk with tails. :) (I think I wish I had a tail...hmm... will have to look into that for next life.)
ReplyDelete:D thanks so much hon! yanno what? when i was a child myself i remember wanting a tail so very, very badly.......